When Eric asked me to create the Harlock gravity Saber, I thought that it could be a good speed modeling exercise. With the single blueprint that you may find at the end of the article, it took me 1h48 to create the STL Model. Rendering is made with MAX & V-RAY

The flag design I have used can be found here: https://ilrifugiodilongjohnsilver.blogspot.com/2016/03/capitan-harlock-captain-harlock-space.html
The bluePrint was:

How to download the Harlock Saber STL
The STL has been downloaded more than 220 times and I received only 2 printed projects. That why I have decided to remove the download link
Result – 3D print
Gregory Terni

J ai essayé de m enregistré mais j ai un message d erreur Login et pas acces au STL
Il faut que je check mais il semble il y avoir un soucis en Français oui, passez en version anglaise et cela devrait fonctionner
Je me suis inscrite… Comment télécharger le fichier… J ai une soirée à thème qui approche… Sinon peut t on vous acheter le sabre ? Merci.
Bonjour Corinne,
Normalement une fois inscrite (et connectée : http://s33k.fr/user-login/ ) vous pourrez accéder au lien de téléchargement : http://s33k.fr/download/1522/
Hi, I’m getting the same error when I try to download the file of “You do not have permission to access this download.” I was going to try to print this for personal use.
Hi Mell,
I have added the user registration form on the page to register yourself and be able to download the STL. Don’t forget to sent me some pictures of the result thomas.letscher(a)gmail.com. Cheers
Thank you! Can’t wait to print it and share. 🙂
Hello, 🙂 did you took the time to print it ?
Salut, je viens de télécharger le stl,
J’essaye l’impression dans la semaine.
Merci a toi.
Super nouvelle 🙂 merci pour le message et hésite pas à partager les photos de réal.
Hello, any chance to download the file for personal printing?
Hello Gregory, A friend of mine will try to print it. If this is successful I will send you the file (an STL generated by 3DsMax with poly modeling is always hazardous).
Thank you for your interest anyway 🙂
You can download it 🙂 enjoy
Hello, thanks for reply. I’m trying to download it but I got an error, cant access to the site
Hi Greg,
Registration form added to the page. Please create an user and you will be able to download the STL. If you can send me some picture of the result at thomas.letscher(a)gmail.com. Thank you