Well, well, well… time has come to create (for real) this project. Most of the time you create a band, you lead it and whatever the energy you feed this project at the end… it stops (for mine at least). That is why I have decided to initiate this project which will be GAIA-SPIRIT branded.

The Name TéHéL is has been chosen in January 2017.

What is it?

Nothing more than a musical project in which I will invest time (and surely money) to records 12 ~15 tracks to describe what I have learn during my life. This project will surely never make any money but it will be the occasion for me to stand up on (small) stage some few times more.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible

A. Hepburn

This is with this mindset and because anything in the future is due to the past, I will propose to you to work together on some part of this project, because you have been a part of who I am today.

How to contribute?

Overall, having the will to do it (no guaranteed ROI, no money,…) and to like the music that I am composing (you will discover it in the next paragraph). If you check that simple condition, welcome on board!


If you want to contribute by playing a solo line of the whole song you are more than welcome. I will adapt the writing of the song to match your participation.


This is not a big deal, there are a lot of contribution that may be required.

But first of all…

Good friends don’t let you do stupid things… alone.
