2021 / Today – Life can be so surprising 🙂 in 2020, while passing through Nantes and drinking far too much beer, Matt, Julien, and I decided to… re-record the album to give it a final rendering worthy of the name. We did it, but more than that, it gave Worm Hole Death Records the chance to sign us in 2023!
The album will be officially released in Nov. 2024.
2019 / 2025 – That one is a big one. After my first singing lesson with Anae, I decided to continue with Ophélia and finally to create Soul Claim. Soul Claim is a rock band founded with Francesca Luce (Ukulele/Vocals), both of us are singer-songwriters. The musical style of Soul Claim is rooted in powerful, rhythmic rock, within which attentive listeners can also catch whispers of blues and metal influences. Our first album, “Some Say I am the Devil,” explores the concept of the devil and the various shapes it can hide in everyday life—from illusions and the scars of our inner wounds to the judgments of others that shape our way of living, alcohol, and work which often becomes our prison. The album addresses all aspects of human existence and everything surrounding it, with a respectful awareness of Mother Nature.
2014 / 2027 – The last musical project (actually alive), with Alex Prec (former singer of Nederland band Prec), GAIA SPIRIT, is a smooth (& gloomy) mix between electro, rock, metal & traditional music. 5 songs have already been released as DEMO on our Soundcloud.
2014 (guest recording) – I had the great honor of recording – in a studio – the bass for this song on the first progressive metal album of Anthropia. This is always a real pleasure to share this kind of adventure.
2012 (guest composer) I’ve always had a strong attraction for black metal. Even more so when it comes to melodic black Metal (Dimmu Bordir, The Kovenant…). It was a great surprise, and above all a great joy, when Matt asked me to collaborate on this magnificent album of French black metal by composing “Les Ténèbres”.
2004 / 2010 – The eponymous album was finally never officially released. This band created with Julien Skorka (Louka, Elvaron) and Frank L (La Horde)is a crossroad mixing 3 main styles to deliver a metalo-indus-electro music kind. TØM S33K composes music and lyrics to invite listeners to a morbid trip to meet the dying earth spirit: Gaia. Before dying, while understanding that humankind is the cause of its death, Gaia decides to level wild kinds of consciousness up to assume its revenge. The background is described in novels written in French.
1999 / 2003 – Wow, what an odyssey that was! Elvaron is one of those bands that leave a lasting impression. Although stage sets are a sporting event, I learned everything I know today thanks to this period. The band is still going strong, and I’m so happy to have been able to compose a few masterpieces thanks to them.
1996 / 1999 – We all had our first rock band! For me, it was Woozy Memory, with Alex (current Moko), Shanka (ex No One Is Innocent, The Dukes), Sylvain (Current Africa in the ears), and Tom. What else can I say except that my adolescence was a bit easier with those bandmates and some strong and poignant concerts?